A Student of the Month Program that recognizes ALL students who were nominated by their teachers;
Increased guidance lessons (and “character kits” available to teachers) in the classroom which are responsive to the current needs and concerns of the students, parents, and teachers;
VMA Career Café for our 3rd-6th grade students to assist with career discernment;
Career and strengths inventory (Myers-Briggs type) to be administered to 4th -6th grade students in the spring;
A Safety and Wellness Day for all elementary students which will include: etiquette classes, the return of stretching/relaxation techniques, summer bike and water safety, healthy food options, and first aid;
Parent and student program on internet safety and cyber-bullying;
Less emphasis on who qualifies for Duke Tip – more emphasis on how we continue to meet the needs of gifted students (nearly 70% of our 4th grade students qualified!);
Individual support for students with organization/communication/study skills.