Our Mission
Our Mission
Villa Madonna Academy, a private, Catholic, K-12 school educates students in a Christ-centered community rooted in the Benedictine traditions of scholarship, service, and hospitality.
Our Vision
To be recognized as a community of strong minds and spirits prepared to think critically, lead courageously, and serve others as:
Lifelong Learners
• Critical thinkers who embrace problem solving utilizing creativity and collaboration;
• Accomplished students prepared for rigorous academic programs and the opportunities of a global society.
• Critical thinkers who embrace problem solving utilizing creativity and collaboration;
• Accomplished students prepared for rigorous academic programs and the opportunities of a global society.
Engaged Citizens
• Conscientious stewards committed to service;
• Confident leaders who initiate change to positively impact the community.
• Conscientious stewards committed to service;
• Confident leaders who initiate change to positively impact the community.
Reflective Disciples
• Prayerful individuals who seek spiritual development;
• A welcoming family that embraces the dignity and diversity of others.
• Prayerful individuals who seek spiritual development;
• A welcoming family that embraces the dignity and diversity of others.
Our Philosophy
Founded by the Benedictine Sisters of St. Walburg Monastery, Villa Madonna Academy is a community that promotes spiritual development founded on love of God, hospitality, respect for others, service, and stewardship. The Academy partners with parents to provide a student-centered learning environment that encourages students to realize their fullest potential. Villa’s dedicated faculty and staff ignite a love of learning through a curriculum based upon the interdependence of all academic disciplines.
Our Core Values
Hospitality and Respect—St. Benedict in his Rule views every person as Christ. VMA faculty, staff and students value and respect the dignity of every person, especially the young and the old, the sick and the poor, the stranger and the guest. All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ. RB 53:1 Care and concern are to be shown in receiving all people, because in them, Christ is received. RB 53:15
Community—Community living is essential to Benedictine spirituality and the moral life of the Church. VMA faculty, staff and students work for the common good within the school and within the global community. They should be the first to show respect to one another. RB 72:4 No one is to pursue what he/she judges better for him/herself, but instead what is judged better for someone else. RB 72:6
Stewardship—St. Benedict believed that God is actively present in the world and sees our encounter with the material world as an opportunity for hearing God’s voice. VMA faculty, staff and students affirm the sacramental reality of the material world and are stewards of the resources they have been given. Regard all utensils and goods as vessels of the altar. RB 31:10 That in all things God may be glorified. RB 57:9
Listening—The first word of the Rule of Benedict is Listen. St. Benedict believes that one can only come to God by listening with the ear of the heart in communion with others. VMA faculty, staff, and students believe that seeking counsel and listening are keys to making good decisions and acting on them. Listen with the ear of your heart. RB Prologue:1. Call the whole community together and explain what the business is; and after hearing the [community’s] advice, ponder it and follow the wiser course. RB 3:2
Service -- In Chapter 4 of his Rule, St. Benedict urges his followers to love God and neighbor. The Academy community practices this teaching in multiple ways throughout the school year. Students and teachers at every grade level are involved in a wide variety of service learning projects, from local to global, instilling a life-long commitment to serve others. First of all, love the Lord God with your whole heart, your whole soul and all your strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. RB4:1-2
We as a Benedictine community, stand united in our response to the racial injustices in our country against people of color, particularly African Americans. We pray for the nation’s healing. We dedicate ourselves to shaping a community based on understanding, acceptance, equality, and compassion. We pledge to listen, learn, pray, and seek solutions that result in a world where the dignity and diversity of all people are cherished. Villa Madonna Academy and the Benedictine Sisters express our unity and commitment to transformational change in our world.